News / Information
End of Campaign Announcement

During September we shipped quite a few packages, parcels and souvenirs from ANZ onwards to Japan. But it wasn’t just business as usual at JSP. This past month we donated 2% of all sales to NPO Mirai no Mori an organization that provides educational summer camp experiences to Japanese children living in care homes.

The souvenirs we ship represent memories of new places and experiences. We’re proud to help our clients make these memories and we wanted to help other communities do the same. We’re very excited to have donated enough money to send 3 children to a NPO Mirai no Mori camp this coming summer. We really believe in the work that MNM does and have decided to top up our donation to enable a total of 5 children to spend a summer at one of their camps.

At camp, these children will have the opportunity to learn English, meet new role models, make new friends and build leadership skills in the great outdoors. We know that through the great work NPO Mirai no Mori does, these 5 children will walk away with special memories and hard earned skills that will bring them joy and success for many years to come.

Helping kids make memories [NPO Mirai no Mori donation campaign]

During the month of September, JSP will donate 2% of all sales to charity partner NPO Mirai no Mori. Our goal is to enable at least five Japanese children living in care homes to attend a Mirai no Mori English summer camp.

JSP ships specialty items from Australia and New Zealand to Japan with care and efficiency. But what we ‘do’ is about so much more than that.

Australia and New Zealand tourists trust us to handle and ship their treasured items and souvenirs collected during their travels back to their home destinations. These souvenirs represent memories of new places and experiences. We’re proud to help our clients make and keep these memories for years to come.

This year we decided to take our mission a bit further and to support disadvantaged Japanese children in making some summer memories of their own. At Mirai no Mori the children will have the chance to explore nature, learn English and meet new friends and role models. They will make life long memories while playing in the great outdoors, gaining new skills, building relationships and learning a new language. And while these memories can’t be boxed up, we knew we could still help them be made.

In Japan, care homes house children who cannot live with their parents for various reasons including divorce, illness, death and economic hardship. Close to 30,000 Japanese children live in care homes. All of these children have suffered serious disadvantage and 60% have experienced abuse. This can lead to a lack of self-confidence, trust issues and difficulties at school.

Mirai no Mori aims to prepare children from care homes for a life of independence through outdoor education programes. They run a number of outdoor programes throughout the year, all at no cost to the children or their care homes.

At Mirai no Mori’s English summer camps the children hike, climb, swim, develop leadership skills, learn real life English and build new relationships. As anyone who has been to summer camp knows, it has its own kind of magic and leaves campers with memories and skills that last a lifetime.
We’re so proud to partner with Mirai no Mori and look forward to supporting children through summer camp.

NPO Mirai no Mori

New Zealand/Australian natural honey tariff reduction/elimination

The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP, also known as TPP 11) was signed by the 11 countries which includes Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Under the CPTPP, tariff reduction and elimination will apply if the importing goods meets the agreement requirements (Rules of Origin).

Tariff on New Zealand/Australian natural honey (HS0409) is currently 25.5%. However, tariff will be reduced gradually over 7 years and eventually eliminated in 2025.
Especially for Australian natural honey, which currently has a tariff of 11.6% with QUOTA volume restrictions under JAEPA (The Japan Australia Economic Partnership Agreement). It remains better value, but the outside of the QUOTA volume restriction, it is still reduced to 19.1% under TPP11.
*Appropriate documentation such as Certificate of Analysis (issued by the local county) must be accompanied at the time of importing honey.

Regulation amendment to cancel a visitor visa for illegal importation into Australia

This new regulation amendment (effective form 17 April 2019) allows immigration officer to cancel a visitor visa at Immigration clearance when you attempt to import illegal goods to Australia. Also if a visa holder has had a previous visa cancelled due to these circumstances will be banned from applying for a temporary visa for 3 years. Please be aware this new regulation amendment.

The new Migration Amendment Regulations 2019


Changes to export air cargo security

From 1 March 2019, all air cargo departing Australia will need to be screened at a piece level prior to departure. This change is made to ensure that Australia is responding to the evolving terrorist threat. All unscreened air cargo needs to be screened at the airport, or at an offsite approved facility. Unscreened air cargo needs to be lodged loose for screening.

Some of the requirements for this new screening measures:
Homogenous Goods – If the goods are pelletized the maximum size will be 1.22m x 1.22m x 1.53m.
Non-homogenous Goods – Should be separately labelled with the AWB and presented ready for small parcel x-ray screening.

For more information, go to Home Affairs website or feel free to contact us.

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